CTH:YAG Laser Resonator
Our CTH:YAG laser resonators (2080nm) are custom order based products made in accordance to your specifications. Most of our CTH:YAG laser resonators are used in Holmium laser systems for lithotripsy through endoscopes. These resonators are also used in high power Holmium laser systems for HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) in BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). Our 200um fiber coupled CTH:YAG laser resonators are essential components for Holmium laser systems for less invasive surgeries with endoscopes. Please contact us regarding your specific needs.

Basic Information to design your resonator:
Wavelength (2080nm)
Repetition Rate
Pulse Width
Output energy from the resonator or from the fiber
Desired size of the resonator
Beam Delivery (Fiber coupled, etc.)
Laser Resonator Assemblies/Sub-systems are also available.
Laser resonator assemblies
consist of pump chamber, flashlamp, laser rod, trigger electronics, laser optics, Pockels cell, and fiber coupling — all in accordance to your specifications.
Laser resonator sub-systems
are available as a turnkey solution to use the laser resonator, optionally including electronics (IGBT board, capacitor bank assembly, flashlamp simmer supply, transformers, control circuit, cabling), capacitor charging power supply, and thermal controls (heat exchanger, water reservoir, level sensor, water pump, temperature sensor, etc.). Controlling quality, flow rate and temperature of cooling water is essential for stable laser.
We select the best components based upon your specifications.
Contact us at [email protected]